Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"This I Believe"

I believe in Equality. I believe that every human being, despite race, ethnicity, gender, religious preference, and sexual orientation deserves a fair chance and not be judged upon by another.

"Building on a proud tradition of national leadership in the preparation of teachers, we maximize educational opportunities and personal and professional growth for students from diverse backgrounds through an array of baccalaureate, master's and doctoral programs." I believe that Eastern Michigan University exhibits equality in the selection of students that are given the opportunity to attend EMU, as supported by their mission statement.

I can distinctly remember the day that I attended EMU for the Fast Track program. I was still a senior in High School and quite nervous to tour the university campus. I wanted the ability to attend an accredited university without having to leave the comforts of home. My parents and I arrived onto campus and I was struck at the diversity of students that filled the campus walkways, hallways and classrooms. I was raised in Detroit for 12 years, yet attended a parochial school in Dearborn, then moved to the suburb of garden City, where the majority of the community were middle-class, white families. My graduating class alone only encompassed three African-American kids, therefore limiting my exposure to diversity and the understanding of equality. I had toured a few other university campuses and had noticed the clique of stereotypes that were exhibited on the campus. Yet at Eastern, I felt the diversity. Men, women, young, old, white, black, Mexican, Arabic, straight, gay....the sky was the limit: literally. I was amazed, awed, intrigued and had my decision in the few seconds that I had stepped outside the car door. I hadn't quite found my identity in high school, but I felt a passion, desire and belonging at EMU.

Since that first day I stepped foot onto campus, EMU has continued to thrive in equality. I have friends that attend other colleges/universities and they complain of the lack of individuality. No one at Eastern can exert that same complaint. I love walking into a new class at the beginning of each semester, not hoping, but KNOWING that I will meet someone just as uniquely different as me, someone who has passion, desire and feels like they belong.

The day that I walk down the aisle in my commencement ceremony, I will proudly boast that I am a graduate of Eastern Michigan University, a university that is passionate of its students; believing, supporting and standing up for equality.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your essay. I wrote about the same topic basically, but I like how you told the story about how you decided that EMU was the place for you. I agree that EMU has a unique atmosphere that has created a diverse and progressive community. I am also very proud to be graduating from EMU and I don't think there's any other college in the state that benefits students like the diversity established here does.
